Brixie's Brewers
Welcome to Brixie's Brewers!
We are a home brewing club located in Brookfield, IL (a near west suburb of Chicago). Our brewers are a disparate group of friendly and informative folks out to brew some of the finest brews, limited only by imagination, ambition, and time.
We meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm. Meetings are hosted by the very gracious owners of Imperial Oak - Brookfield (formerly Brixie's), located at 9526 W. Ogden Ave, Brookfield, IL (phone: 708.387.0050)
Join the American Homebrewers Association and the club benefits! Click the link for details on how to join.
Please support our host and sponsor! At Imperial Oak - Brookfield you will find a very warm and welcoming atmosphere. You will also find beer from one of the best breweries around (we promise you will find something to enjoy). Check out the specifics at
Contact us for more information about the club, becoming a member, or club events.
**Privacy Policy: We will not provide a listing of our membership for any sales, marketing or advertising unless expressly consented by members in writing.